Hello there...
Sorry, my last post was a little depressing. I had a lot of anxiety. Now it's all gone! I'm my happy self lol. Today is Sunday, which means, blogging time!!!YaY! I am happy I have this blog. I created it a long time ago, I didn't know how long it would be "up and running" but I am glad it still is.
I admit it. I have lost sight of what is really important. There has been so much going on. Friends, family, a little drama and my cats getting ill sometimes... It is complicated, this thing called life. Today is Sunday. The Sabbath. Some things are easy to remember. Some things we need to be reminded of. Usually, every morning I listen to music via Spotify. Actually, yes, Every Morning. lol. I have started choosing better music, that is more spiritual/not so "worldly". I still like me some rap etc. but I try to choose music with better lyrics. Not so much swearing etc. I.E. UPLIFTING music. I also try to read better books. Not so sexy, not so violent etc. Now, do not get me wrong, I have never read 50 shades lol, I am very sensitive to the influences, so I have started reducing sexy books that are not always "considered" sexy books etc. It's pretty easy.
I have noticed that my mind slips to "worldly" things pretty often. Like not always 100% focused on the Lord. I know, it is pretty impossible, but I strive to think of Him as often as possible. When I find my mind slipping down to the depths of something, e.g. despair (lol), I try to remember Jesus and that He has suffered for my sins, depression, trials and other problems, so that I DO NOT HAVE TO.
He has been more on my mind lately, and my Patriarchal blessing, my blessings, my purpose in this life and such things. I have found a few purposes, that I like to write about in this post.
First of all, Temple work.
I am adopted. I come from a family who do not know about the Gospel. YET. I have decided to do a lot of family history work and go to the Temple to do work for my biological family members who have already passed. I am proud of my heritage. My musicality is from my Father.
Second, help the ones who are "outside".
I am part of many minorities. I know this has a meaning. I am a Christian, member of the Church of Jesus Christ. I am a Swedish-speaking Finn. I am a person, with mental health problems. I have been bullied at school, in Church, at the gym etc. Yesterday two teens yelled swear words at me. Yeah, the list goes on... My job in this world is to break the stigma and assumptions people have of these groups of people. I am different. But there is a purpose in it.
Those are some of my thoughts for today.
More later!
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Merry Christmas!
Hello there and Happy Christmas!
Sorry I didn't post every Sunday... It will be my goal for 2020. I have too many blogs lol.
This time Christmas has been a bit different. My parents are in their home in another town and I'm here in my home in my city. My auntie came yesterday and is staying until the 27th. I have been alone before on Christmas, at least nearly alone... But this time it's good that my auntie is here.
This year has been really rough. Mentally, physically and spiritually. Mentally: I have been worse a couple of times and spent a while in the hospital. Now the doctor is changing my medicine. The anxiety I have experienced has been horrible. Physically: My back has been hurting and I have difficulties walking. I have a "walker"... Spiritually: I have been going to Church every Sunday. I have been hanging in there, trying to hold on and be the best I can be. People in Church is the reason I get anxiety, and my illness. The Church is good, the Gospel is awesome, God is great. Just the people who are supposed to try to be good, don't always measure up. Neither do I! I am not perfect. They are not perfect. I wish they would try harder. I'm trying so hard it's wearing me out. My illness doesn't help one bit.
I know, I cannot blame people for being people. It's just that how far can bullying and judging go, before someone steps between and puts and end to it? Thank goodness I have many good friends in Church too. It's just that a few have been absolutely disgusting towards me... They think they're Really Good People. They smile and hug me and ask me how I'm doing... I really feel sorry for them. They are living in some kind of bubble.
Despite of all these trials, my Faith has been strengthened a lot. It has been hanging by a thread. It has been awful. I turn 40 next year, and maybe I'm having a "crisis" lol. I will try to become strong again. I have had a really big test of Faith. I hope to climb out of this rut. This Christmas I'm focusing on things that are important and try to pray a lot.
More later!
Sorry I didn't post every Sunday... It will be my goal for 2020. I have too many blogs lol.
This time Christmas has been a bit different. My parents are in their home in another town and I'm here in my home in my city. My auntie came yesterday and is staying until the 27th. I have been alone before on Christmas, at least nearly alone... But this time it's good that my auntie is here.
This year has been really rough. Mentally, physically and spiritually. Mentally: I have been worse a couple of times and spent a while in the hospital. Now the doctor is changing my medicine. The anxiety I have experienced has been horrible. Physically: My back has been hurting and I have difficulties walking. I have a "walker"... Spiritually: I have been going to Church every Sunday. I have been hanging in there, trying to hold on and be the best I can be. People in Church is the reason I get anxiety, and my illness. The Church is good, the Gospel is awesome, God is great. Just the people who are supposed to try to be good, don't always measure up. Neither do I! I am not perfect. They are not perfect. I wish they would try harder. I'm trying so hard it's wearing me out. My illness doesn't help one bit.
I know, I cannot blame people for being people. It's just that how far can bullying and judging go, before someone steps between and puts and end to it? Thank goodness I have many good friends in Church too. It's just that a few have been absolutely disgusting towards me... They think they're Really Good People. They smile and hug me and ask me how I'm doing... I really feel sorry for them. They are living in some kind of bubble.
Despite of all these trials, my Faith has been strengthened a lot. It has been hanging by a thread. It has been awful. I turn 40 next year, and maybe I'm having a "crisis" lol. I will try to become strong again. I have had a really big test of Faith. I hope to climb out of this rut. This Christmas I'm focusing on things that are important and try to pray a lot.
More later!
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Happy Sunday! :)
I'm back... I have gotten an idea... I will TRY to post here every Sunday. How does that sound? I will be traveling next Sunday, but I will try to blog, because I have my galaxy pad with me lol. Now I'm still at home... Soon starting to get ready for Church. It starts at 1 pm. I have lots of time still. I'm listening to Christmas music and writing this lol. My Mom is going to call me soon. We call each other everyday. My Dad too. My Dad doesn't know how to use a cellphone, that's my Mom's job lol.
I have a really awesome and wonderful family. My Mom and Dad have taught me a lot about the gospel and have guided me through the highs and lows and ups and downs of my life. My Mom and Dad are two of my best friends. I'm their only child. I was adopted when I was 3 months old, I came from Jakobstad in Finland, to Jakobstad/Tampere, Finland. Many people think I come from some other country, because I'm adopted. Nope. I'm a Finn lol.
Last summer I visited the orphanage where I spent the first three months of my life. It's in Nykarleby. They were so kind and gave me a book about the place and the lady working there asked: Did you find a family? I got so moved, and still it moves me, because I have never, or not much thought about how lucky I have been. I was found. My parents came and chose me. I'm so grateful. It's all part of the big plan... My cousin came with me to the orphanage and she said that she is so happy that I came to this family. I grew up without siblings. The closest to me were my cousins. I have 15 cousins on my Mother's side and they are all younger than me. Lucky me! I got to try to be a good role model lol. I don't know how I have succeeded. LOL.
I love my family. My parents, my cousins and my grandparents up in Heaven.
More later.
I'm back... I have gotten an idea... I will TRY to post here every Sunday. How does that sound? I will be traveling next Sunday, but I will try to blog, because I have my galaxy pad with me lol. Now I'm still at home... Soon starting to get ready for Church. It starts at 1 pm. I have lots of time still. I'm listening to Christmas music and writing this lol. My Mom is going to call me soon. We call each other everyday. My Dad too. My Dad doesn't know how to use a cellphone, that's my Mom's job lol.
I have a really awesome and wonderful family. My Mom and Dad have taught me a lot about the gospel and have guided me through the highs and lows and ups and downs of my life. My Mom and Dad are two of my best friends. I'm their only child. I was adopted when I was 3 months old, I came from Jakobstad in Finland, to Jakobstad/Tampere, Finland. Many people think I come from some other country, because I'm adopted. Nope. I'm a Finn lol.
Last summer I visited the orphanage where I spent the first three months of my life. It's in Nykarleby. They were so kind and gave me a book about the place and the lady working there asked: Did you find a family? I got so moved, and still it moves me, because I have never, or not much thought about how lucky I have been. I was found. My parents came and chose me. I'm so grateful. It's all part of the big plan... My cousin came with me to the orphanage and she said that she is so happy that I came to this family. I grew up without siblings. The closest to me were my cousins. I have 15 cousins on my Mother's side and they are all younger than me. Lucky me! I got to try to be a good role model lol. I don't know how I have succeeded. LOL.
I love my family. My parents, my cousins and my grandparents up in Heaven.
More later.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Hello people!
Good morning! It is 3 a.m. right now here in Finland. I woke up by mistake. Some say that if you wake up between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. by mistake, you are having a spiritual awakening. I hope so, lol... I have been trying to become more spiritual for a looong time. I think everyone should try it. It makes you a better person, to not give up, to become the BEST YOU...
I have some awesome friends at Church who help me a lot, also to become more spiritual. They encourage me and give me advice... They pray for me and help me with many things. The missionaries are good examples. In fact, I would not have this blog without them! Or maybe it would be in Swedish or Finnish lol. But it just so happens, that when I was growing up, my missionary-friends helped me to learn good English.To speak and to write, idioms, spelling, the works! It was, it IS amazing! So, thank you, dear missionaries!
I try to read the Book of Mormon everyday, at least one chapter with my Dad, we listen to it from my computer and my Dad is on the phone, listening... It is great. Family scripture time. Then I try to study often the new program: "Come, follow me". I often forget to read and study the week's section, but now I just reminded myself by writing it here LOL...
I also try to study PMG. Preach my gospel. It is a nice book. Also, Young Women's challenges are something I try to study from time to time and just try to study the scriptures by myself... I am sometimes a little lazy. But I keep on trying.
More later!
Good morning! It is 3 a.m. right now here in Finland. I woke up by mistake. Some say that if you wake up between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. by mistake, you are having a spiritual awakening. I hope so, lol... I have been trying to become more spiritual for a looong time. I think everyone should try it. It makes you a better person, to not give up, to become the BEST YOU...
I have some awesome friends at Church who help me a lot, also to become more spiritual. They encourage me and give me advice... They pray for me and help me with many things. The missionaries are good examples. In fact, I would not have this blog without them! Or maybe it would be in Swedish or Finnish lol. But it just so happens, that when I was growing up, my missionary-friends helped me to learn good English.To speak and to write, idioms, spelling, the works! It was, it IS amazing! So, thank you, dear missionaries!
I try to read the Book of Mormon everyday, at least one chapter with my Dad, we listen to it from my computer and my Dad is on the phone, listening... It is great. Family scripture time. Then I try to study often the new program: "Come, follow me". I often forget to read and study the week's section, but now I just reminded myself by writing it here LOL...
I also try to study PMG. Preach my gospel. It is a nice book. Also, Young Women's challenges are something I try to study from time to time and just try to study the scriptures by myself... I am sometimes a little lazy. But I keep on trying.
More later!
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Good morning! :)
This morning I wrote an email to sister Eubank. Hope she will reply soon. I told her about my life so far and thanked her for the lovely talk at conference and told her my parents were so happy she remembered us.
I believe we have all had some struggles with our Faith, if we think we have not, well, maybe not just yet lol... I always thought that I will forever be 100% active and "perfect". LOL. First of all, when I was ill when I lived in Sweden, I couldn't really go to church for about four months, because of my illness and anxiety etc. But, I came back.
Then there has been times that I have been traveling etc. Well, of course Faith is not measured in IF you can go to church, everything is fine and IF you are at home on Sundays, everything is really bad. Going to church helps. A lot. But it is not all. One can go to church and still struggle spiritually.
More later!
I'm back!
I know I say it a lot on my many different blogs... I'm always going away and then return weeks, months, YEARS later lol... SORRY! I have been a lazy person... I apologize from the Bottom of My Heart.
Yesterday we had a big, huge in fact, Women's conference here in Tampere, at the University. It was for all the ladies in the Church, and their friends, in Finland. There were actually 640 sisters there!!! WOOOW! That is just crazy! I felt very loved there, I have so many wonderful friends all over Finland.
We had one awesome guest: Sister Sharon Eubank, from the Relief Society first presidency. She served her mission in Finland. She even remembered me and my parents! That was so wonderful, I was completely starstruck! It was great!
I got a selfie with her!
We are so pretty! She is one of my biggest heroes!
The conference was so great! At the end there was a concert and the music was so beautiful, I cried thorugh most of it... It was wonderful. My idol from my youth: Mervi, the singer, was also there. I got a selfie with her too. (I'll post a picture maybe later.)
Mervi has the most beautiful voice! I have been a fan since the early 90's... She remembered me! We have met only once before, at a women's conference in 2017. I was also so starstruck with her lol She is also beautiful and so kind.
I'm so happy to be a member of this church. Since I was ~14, I have had a strong testimony about the Book of Mormon and since then, I have never really questioned/doubted it all... I have had my struggles but now I am back on track!
More later! Gotta go to church!
I know I say it a lot on my many different blogs... I'm always going away and then return weeks, months, YEARS later lol... SORRY! I have been a lazy person... I apologize from the Bottom of My Heart.
Yesterday we had a big, huge in fact, Women's conference here in Tampere, at the University. It was for all the ladies in the Church, and their friends, in Finland. There were actually 640 sisters there!!! WOOOW! That is just crazy! I felt very loved there, I have so many wonderful friends all over Finland.
We had one awesome guest: Sister Sharon Eubank, from the Relief Society first presidency. She served her mission in Finland. She even remembered me and my parents! That was so wonderful, I was completely starstruck! It was great!
I got a selfie with her!
We are so pretty! She is one of my biggest heroes!
The conference was so great! At the end there was a concert and the music was so beautiful, I cried thorugh most of it... It was wonderful. My idol from my youth: Mervi, the singer, was also there. I got a selfie with her too. (I'll post a picture maybe later.)
Mervi has the most beautiful voice! I have been a fan since the early 90's... She remembered me! We have met only once before, at a women's conference in 2017. I was also so starstruck with her lol She is also beautiful and so kind.
I'm so happy to be a member of this church. Since I was ~14, I have had a strong testimony about the Book of Mormon and since then, I have never really questioned/doubted it all... I have had my struggles but now I am back on track!
More later! Gotta go to church!
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