Good morning!
Today I have something to say about how faith can move personal mountains in each of our lives.
We are all equal and valuable. Everyone on this Earth has an inherent value, a priceless value and we all have the potential for greatness. We all can move mountains in out lives and make our lives better, enjoy our life whatever the circumstances, but many times it is really freaking difficult to be happy and grateful at all times.
We all have different set of difficulties. Some of us are in really difficult circumstances and it seems impossible to be grateful or happy. I often think it is so unfair that we're all kind of given the same commandment to become better, when some of us have so many trials and can't even live long enough to learn how to become better or really enjoy life.
This is a thing I have been thinking about a lot lately.
If we're all on the same starting point, why do some people die early, suffer through pain and hunger, war and abuse? I have not quite found the answer to that one. I am sorry. But I know that when we leave this Earth, we will be healed in the afterlife, at least I personally think there must be some good hospital and doctors to take care of us, or we will never be happy and feel fulfilled, even in the afterlife.
So, no matter your trauma, difficulties and struggles, we will be healed at some point. Our spirits and minds will be ready to be resurrected at some point and both our spirit and body will be at its optimal form.
Therefore, when we are faced with mountains of trials and difficulties here during our lives, we can feel peace and trust God that it will all be fixed and made perfect at some point. I know this has to be true or God wouldn't be fair and just.
I started to try to feel more grateful and happy a few years ago, and it has made all the difference.
I got more things to be grateful for, more reasons to be happy and smile.
This isn't always easy. I even try to be grateful for my difficulties! It is amazing how that has changed my life. Now I know God loves me and wants me to grow and learn. I know to some that doesn't seem like a blessing, to constantly be bombarded with trials and problems. I have felt that way. But it will shift at some point and you will feel joy.
A big change starts with small steps. I have written in my #give thanks# journal since 2010 often and it has helped me a lot. Also keeping a prayer journal, where I write my prayers sometimes, has helped me so much. I don't always write in these, and sometimes it's so dark and depressing in my life, that I feel like I can never go on from this situation. But I have always been able to. There is always a new dawn. There is always a fresh beginning. I truly believe and know this to be true.
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