Good morning!
Welcome back to my spiritual blog!
I started a new kinda religion themed blog this spring:
It's about me and my missionary family! :) I started adopting missionaries in 2021... Take a gander at my blog, there you can see when and why etc. I love the missionaries, always have and always will. They bring so much joy to my life. (Of course they have almost all left back home now, but there's always new ones arriving.
I have just learned that it is not common for members in the church to have a lot of friends outside the church? I didn't know that was a thng... I have always had friends outside of church. First of all, there were no other mormons in my school (svenska samksolan, the Swedsh school here in my city, the only Swedish school here) and I have been to the hospital often during my life, I have found friends there too. And all my friends from church are working and I am on early retirement. They don't have time to meet me but I have a lot of time.
It's not good for me to be always alone, I can get anxiety and feel really bad.
That being said, I love to be alone at times. More time to think. :D
I have been feeling weird lately, my health has been weird lol. I feel a little better now.
I have been in a scripture-reading slump for a long time, I don't know where to start/continue... It is really challenging. I have a lesson next week on Sunday in Gathered in, the group for all European singles aged 31+. I am 43 so I fit the requirements lol. I will talk about some books in the New Testamment. I had the choice to choose my area and I chose those. My friend from Norway: Josef, will be my voice.
More later! :)